Mike Boylan-Kolchin
Department of Astronomy
The University of Texas at Austin

e-mail:  mbk[at]
phone:  +1.512.471.3343
office:  PMA 16.324

My research focuses on galaxy formation theory and its interface with cosmology. I work on a variety of questions related to dark matter, cosmological structure formation, and galaxy formation physics across cosmic time. I combine numerical simulations, analytic models, and observations in my work. For more information, see my research page, publications, or CV (pdf).

Some of the major questions motivating my research are covered in this recent review article:

Small-Scale Challenges to the ΛCDM Paradigm
Bullock & Boylan-Kolchin (2017), Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 55, 343

A non-technical article I wrote for American Scientist describes some of my work:

Cosmos Ex Machina
American Scientist, 111, 222 (2023) [pdf reprint]

I participated in a panel discussion on how JWST is transforming our view of the early cosmos:

JWST’s Cosmic Revolution (YouTube video)
2024 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate, American Museum of Natural History, New York City